Our paper mill.

Security Paper Mill s.r.o.

The oldest security paper, paper, and special
cardboard producer in Czech Republic.

The company was founded in 1997 by Czech shareholders and, since then, it proceeds in the production of security paper, in accordance with the tradition, but with a look toward the future.

Various security features against falsification are integrated in our paper, with the aim of protecting documents with sensitive data from fraud attempts. We produce more than 1.000 kinds of paper, with different technical specifications, offering personalized solutions, designed specifically, based on the specific client’s needs.

Strong know-how, modern paper technology, internal development and research, and high competence of our team enable us to guarantee the highest security control & production security systems.

Our guarantee,
for over 50 years.
High quality
, in all stages
of production.

We are appreciated not only by the domestic market, but also by the main EU markets, to which we export most of the security paper produced in Štětí.

Our commitment is constant and aims on the one hand to the study and realization of targeted services for our clients, on the other to keep the highest quality standard of the products that we offer.

The share of exports reaches the 90% of the production.

Our paper is exported in more than 70 countries in the world. All the products produced by Security Paper Mill s.r.o. fulfil the highest UE standards. Thus, we have obtained the most important Quality Certificates, internationally recognized.



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